Tree N6TR information:
The results of the 2019 Spring Stew
Perry event are now final. You can
view them here https://www.kkn.net/stew/2019_SpringStew.TXT
Congratulations to Stan, K5GO who piloted his ZF9CW station to the top
spot. The competition for the highest score included Stan and 4 other
stations including PJ2ND (K8ND operator) who had the highest South American
N2CW had the highest USA score and OM2XW the highest European Score.
KF5EYY operated from 3V8SS for the highest African score and JH2FXK was
number one in Asia.
There were a plethora of calls with «7CW» in them in the top twenty
scores. NN7CW confused many by operating from Florida with a big signal,
KG7CW operated from Idaho for the top West Coast score, followed closely by
K7CW in Washington.
CX6VM and VK3HJ were the top two stations in the Southern Hemisphere and
brought many smiles to those lucky enough to work them.
The next Stew will be the Summer event — which is coming up on June 15th.
Rules and results can be found at www.kkn.net/stew.
73 Tree N6TR